For the Palestinian problem | world after the Cold War and the Cold War

Israel / Palestinian conflict and the Middle East History

For the Palestinian problem | world after the Cold War and the Cold War Israel / Palestinian conflict and the Middle East History 0/0/0 0/0 / Middle East has long adapted to be referred to as [century powder keg. In the Middle East, and religious resource national economy international political domestic politics, and there is a problem in a variety of fields, small chance that could birth a big collision. It is not easy as possible to talk about all those opposed to the comprehensive. In this study the author, decided to focus on the Israel / Palestine relations try to summarize the situation in the Middle East. The first place why did I try to learn about the situation in the Middle East. The author was interested in the Middle East problem is that in the context of [Western break away from the central idea of ​​progress] in the social history of thought. World history since the century, Western specific values ​​is not an exaggeration to say it was a process that spread around the world. From the second half of the century to the 20th century, Western-centric sense of values ​​is on an affirmative exploitation from other countries due to colonialism, countries that did not or tired of it began to fight in the empire together.
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